Lead artworker, Richard


Lead Artworker, Richard

Greenwich Design

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Our lead artworker Richard is one of our long-standing staff members, and heads up the artworking team at Greenwich Design. We caught up with him about the recent changes to the business and how his role has evolved over the 20 years he’s been with the company.

You’ve been here for quite a while now – what do you love about working for Greenwich Design?

Rich: It has to be the warm, friendly atmosphere – it’s a team of great people.

A lot of agencies suffer from ‘revolving door’ syndrome. What do you think it is about Greenwich Design that enables it to retain its staff for so long? 

Rich: The team and the culture definitely helps. It’s also about the variety – having lots of different, challenging projects to work on across a range of sectors. For me, having a great boss who listens to your needs and offers support as needed is really important too. I once worked in a place where the boss was a horrible ogre of a man and it made my working life miserable. It’s great to come into a studio where you know everyone wants to be here.

Is the fact that it’s a family-run business noticeable in the day-to-day? If so, why / how? 

Rich: Yes, you can hear the siblings, Liz and Simon, bickering – just kidding! It’s not so much about the actual family members anymore, but about the culture and ethos. Many of us have worked together for quite a long time now, so we’re a very close-knit group where everyone looks out for each other. There’s a great sense of camaraderie and community in the studio. I’ve been part of the team for almost 20 years now, and have so many fond memories of the Greenwich Design ‘family’.

What have been the biggest changes since Greenwich Design and Pixello joined forces? 

Rich: Well, we now have an extra dog in the studio – Peaches! As a business, the big change is that Greenwich Design is now able to offer clients website development and digital services. This has been fantastic for the team as it’s opened up the opportunity to expand our skill set and learn something new. It’s also allowed us to work with new clients in different sectors, which is really exciting.

Can you describe a typical work day for you? 

Rich: Put the coffee on (that is the priority!), sit down and check through my email and plan my To Do List. As being an artworker, working on files for print and preparing them for production, I’m also our resident IT expert, so part of my job usually involves helping team members with their tech problems and proving general support around the office.

What are you most excited about since the merger? 

Rich: Having Arrann back, of course! And obviously Greenwich Design expanding into digital services and all the benefits that brings. I’ve moved into a new role myself with more responsibility, overseeing the production of work and managing team members. I’m also now the first point of contact for our clients.

One of our long-serving team members retired recently. He had an amazing knowledge of artworking and looking after the production of all the labels we do for one of our clients. I’ve had to broaden my skill set and step up to fill that knowledge gap. It’s great to have the opportunity to continue to learn and grow within the company – that’s another reason why I think Greenwich Design is able to attract and retain talent. 

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